Alaya Melchizedek presents

Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint

A journey of healing, transformation and discovery through sacred feminine alchemy

Join the first Wave!

Are you ready


The time has come for the Divine Feminine to be held in the collective consciousness field. It is an energetic signature that ALL women have the potential to carry, not just a selected few.

I invite you to carry the codes and callings of a new Divine Feminine frequency on this planet.

Through the principles I’m about to share, you will understand why it matters so much that here, now, in our present time, women like you are supported to step into their true feminine essence.

You see, in recent years, there has been so much focus on the wounding of the patriarchy that many courses and healing modalities for women have been focussing, despite good intentions, on expressing and embodying the wounded feminine. There has not been enough attention given to moving past the pain.

The result of this is that in the collective field, it has felt like a lot of recycling of the dark feminine feelings. All are still being projected out toward others instead of taking full responsibility for healing these painful wounds from the past – so that everyone can benefit.

Energetically, this actually creates limitations in the field that block all women from expressing the full potential of their Soul Evolution.

And this is what ‘Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint’ is all about.

“The highest priority for our present time is to bring back the Feminine principles in all aspects of life.”

Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint

Join the first Wave!

The consequence of living for eons, according to His-story, is that we cannot create Our-story as it was always meant to be.
We are missing Her-story.

I was shocked by how many women I have spoken to who all say the same thing. They all talk about feeling an emptiness. I think this is something we hardly dare to put into words, but we feel it. We know it.

It is caused by the fact that we have been disconnected from an essential part of who we are as women – our sacred feminine essence. Worse than this, we have then become imbalanced as we tried to compensate for a world that did not support us.

I wonder how this imbalance may be showing up for you. For some, it is an imbalance in their feminine, which can look like:

  • Difficulty expressing emotions – so you often feel misunderstood or ignored
  • Difficulty trusting your intuition – so you get yourself in situations you later regret
  • Fear of failure and rejection – so you don’t do what you’d really love to, or don’t see it all the way through
  • Perfectionism and need for control – meaning you and those close to you end up fighting and frustrated
  • Self-doubt and insecurity – so you never get what you actually want because you don’t really go for it
These are just a few ways imbalance in the feminine can show up. You may also be imbalanced in your masculine energies because you felt (like so many on our planet do) that you had to become more masculine just to fit in and be accepted.

If that is true for you, it may look like:

  • Being overly competitive: the need to be the best at all times
  • Super independent: never ask for any help, seeing that as a sign of weakness
  • Feeling disconnected: not connected to your body and intuition, always being on the go
  • No self care: not feeling the need to take care of yourself, it feels like a waste of time
  • Inability to receive support, compliments, and gifts; you are used to being self-reliant and independent

I’m guessing you may have experienced a few of the imbalances I just listed. But I’m sure you’ve also had glimpses of what it is to be experiencing your Divine Feminine Blueprint, your true feminine strengths and essence.

You’ve had moments where everything flowed and you felt connected to something ancient, yet quite familiar. You felt playful, innocent, connected, yet also powerful, in tune with your body, its cycles and the seasons and filled with a different kind of strength than we usually see in the world.

This is what it feels like when you are embodying your Divine Femininity. And I believe with all my heart that it is every woman’s birthright to experience this on a daily basis.

Of course, it is not surprising that it can be hard to reconnect to this incredible aspect of yourself when we think of all the things that can get in the way. The day-to day practicalities of being a wife / mother / lover / business owner / employee are challenging enough, but when we heap on top of that all the unspoken social pressures and expectations! Sheesh!

When you activate your Divine Feminine Blueprint, you meet all of life with grace, ease and flow.

Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint

Join the first Wave!

Alaya is an outstanding teacher, who has an ability to touch everyone in the room through her stories and deep wisdom.

She is a gifted healer who has amazing skills and insight that allows her to easily find and heal the root cause of woundings and she is a courageous spiritual being, who is committed to growing, evolving, and raising the consciousness of those on earth.

She walks her talk and encourages all of us to do the same. For me, however, Alaya’s “secret sauce” in helping me breakthrough years of imbalance and stuckness is her embodiment of the Divine Mother’s unconditional love, which just oozes in her, through her, and out from her.

Julia Bolz

Heart-Womb Fusion


The ultimate intention of Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint is to support you to achieve what I call ‘Heart-Womb Fusion’.

I really feel this is the key to our fullest Soul Evolution as a women. To experience it is to dance deep into the essence of what it is to be female, bringing forth the mysteries and hidden treasures of life that have been passed down generation upon generation among women who are willing to do the work and walk the path.

We will be engaging with the practices that create Heart-Womb Fusion throughout the six weeks of your Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint journey, but I do want to give you a sense here of the impact it can have on your life.

As heart and womb are fused, being your true self becomes non-negotiable. It is likely you will find it easier to let go of those old beliefs that may have held you back for so long. Replacing them instead with self-acceptance and self-compassion, you will come to appreciate on a whole new level that your unique way of being is beautiful and so needed in the world. Most importantly, you will come to experience that sharing your greatest gifts, and experiencing true joy is not found in the ‘doing, doing, doing’ that characterises the Masculine principle.

Your true essence, guided by the initiation of Heart-Womb Fusion, is found through the cultivation of your deepest desires (your heart) and the reconnection to your sacred feminine essence (your womb).

Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint will give you the tools, techniques, principles and practices, and an incredible community of sisters with whom you’ll share the journey, so that day by day, step by step you come know your true essence and are able to fully embody your Divine Femininity.

Through the journey of Activating Your Divine Blueprint, not only will I initiate you into your own Heart-Womb Fusion, allowing you to experience first-hand the profound shifts that occur as part of this, you’ll also receive the Heart-Womb Fusion transmission that I have recorded only for the women who join this sisterhood.

Ready to Activate Your Divine Femininity?

Your 6 Week


Here is what you can expect when you choose to Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint and experience this life-changing 6-week journey of live calls and sacred feminine transformation:
6th – 12th February 2024
Preparing to Enter the Spiral

This pre-module time is all about bringing yourself into readiness to embark on this transformational journey. These are some of the things you’ll prepare:

  • Welcome into the Sisterhood Sanctuary
  • Creating your altar
  • Sanctifying your journal
  • Setting your intentions
  • Scheduling your weekly Divine Feminine Activation time
13th – 19th February 2024
Module 1: Self-Reflection and Awareness

The first week of live calls and practices will explore the importance of self-reflection and awareness in the cultivation of Divine Femininity.

Where most approaches to self-reflection and awareness are predominantly mind-based, you will be guided in practices that engage the whole being, and really set the foundation for the journey to come.

Core Teachings & Principles:

  • Resolving Masculine / Feminine Imbalances
  • Identifying unconscious patterns of thought and behaviour
  • Guided self-reflection and advanced journaling techniques
20th – 26th February 2024
Module 2: Exploring the Womb Space

In week 2 we travel to the heart of womanhood, discovering, through deepening connection to the portal of the womb, some of the core limiting beliefs, imprints and woundings you hold around your femininity.

This sets us up powerfully for Week 3, where the focus is on healing imprints and past traumas.

Core Teachings and Principles:

  • Understanding the primordial power of the womb
  • Harnessing the symbology of the womb for transformation
  • Accessing the creative and manifesting powers of the womb
27th February – 4th March 2024
Module 3: Healing Imprints and Past Traumas

In week 3 we will be working to heal past traumas and release any emotional or energetic blocks that are preventing you from embodying your sacred feminine essence

The first two weeks have been building to this pivotal point, and this work is essential to create the space for the full activation of your Divine Feminine Blueprint

Core Teachings and Principles:

  • Clearing societal, ancestral and past relationship imprints
  • Dissolving personal and collective shame and guilt
  • Removing negative associations to Divine Femininity
5th – 11th March 2024
Module 4: Embracing the Natural Rhythms

Module 4 is all about bringing you into alignment and flow with your cycles and with the greater cycles of nature.

Through this ancient practice, you’ll discover how life can be so much more effortless for women when we learn to experience life as a series of seasons, each with unique energies that can be worked with and embodied

Core Teachings and Principles:

  • Menstruation as initiation – reclaiming the Power of the Womb
  • Dissolving ‘period pains’ through attuning to your cycle
  • What to do and what NOT to do during each season
12th – 18th March 2024
Module 5: Self-Love and Feminine Intuition

This fifth module is defined by two words: nurturing and cultivating. Here you will discover that your feminine intuition is perhaps the greatest gift you can nurture and that self-love is the most important capacity you can cultivate.

These two – self-love and feminine intuition – weave an infinite, invisible power that brings forth Divine Femininity in all its wonder.

Core Teachings and Principles:

  • Awakening the 15 Feminine Principles in your life
  • Creating space for sacred femininity (in a world that seeks to suppress it)
  • Fulfilling your needs through feminine integration
19th – 25th March 2024
Module 6: Integrating and Embodying Your Divine Feminine Blueprint

This final module is dedicated to the integration of your journey of transformation, harnessing the power of Heart-Womb Fusion to bring the embodiment of your sacred feminine essence into all aspects of your day to day life.

Core Teachings and Principles:

  • Aligning expectations, intentions and action
  • Divine Feminine Activation ritual
  • Heart-Womb Fusion transmission

Resources, Support and Sisterhood

In addition to each weekly live call, you’ll receive essential resources and journaling guides to fast track your deep transformation and a dedicated support team to answer any questions you may have about the course and how to access the course materials.


The Sisterhood Sanctuary Membership Community

Honestly, of all the aspects of the journey, this is likely to be one of the most powerful. It has been heartbreaking to see and experience just how profound the ‘Sister Wounding’ has been in the collective… so the chance for us, as sisters, to establish a new way is beyond exciting.

This will be our space to connect, share and support the transformations that will unfold as each sister begins to embody her true feminine essence and the new Divine Feminine Frequencies.


To honour and celebrate you as one of the first wave of women who are choosing to Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint, I also want you to have these complementary ‘bonuses’.

The first is a specially curated Sacred Feminine Treasury of transmissions, guided meditations, rituals and journaling prompts all created to support the transformational work you will be doing throughout your journey. .

Then I am giving you two powerful mini courses. I originally wanted to include them as content for the modules, but I realised there was no way I could fit them into the 6 week journey… and there are some quite advanced teachings contained in each, so it made sense for them to be stand-alone mini-courses supported by the Sacred Feminine Treasury.

Bonus #1:

Sacred Feminine Treasury

Value $444

Created to be the perfect companion for any woman seeking greater connection with her authentic self and true essence, your Sacred Feminine Treasury includes:

Sacred Feminine Transmissions

These I have specially created for this course are here to relax mind, body, and soul, a portal to connect with your own divine energies and awaken the feminine frequencies within you.

Sacred Feminine Rituals

Providing you with powerful and proven ways to create sacred space for Divine Feminine activation and ceremonial work. What makes this collection of Sacred Feminine Rituals so valuable is they will be being used by sisters all around the world. All those women who choose to become carriers of the new Divine Feminine frequencies will be adding to the potency of these rituals every time they use them.

Sacred Feminine Journaling Guides

This would get my vote as the crown jewel of any Divine Feminine toolkit. It is why I have made sure to include some of the most powerful journaling guides I’ve encountered on my journey within your Sacred Feminine Treasury. Journaling as a practice is unbelievably powerful, but Guided Journaling – Wow!

Bonus #2:

Integrating The Dark Feminine Mini Course

Value $555

I have mentioned before just how important it is that women move beyond simply ‘embodying’ the Dark Feminine. The key is integration… and it comes from asking yourself the one question none of the other ‘dark feminine’ type programmes out there seem willing to ask – because it totally rewrites how you perceive goddesses like Kali etc.

The content and practices I shared in this Mini-Course were too important to be rushed during one of the main modules. I have absolutely no doubt that for a huge number of the sisters who join Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint, the impact of this Mini-Course alone will be worth many, many times the investment for the journey.

Bonus #3:

Healing The Mother Wound Mini Course

Value $555

I know that so many of us feel like we’ve already done lots of ‘mother wound’ healing. It is important to remember however, that many traditions regard the archetypal mother as the doorway to the divine, and that when it comes to embodying our true femininity, everyone of us starts with what was modelled to us by our mothers.

When we appreciate this, we start to see just how important it is to completely tend to all aspects of our mother wounding, conditioning and imprints. And that is exactly what this mini-course is designed to do – support you to recognise and transform all the ways in which your relationship to the maternal aspect is distorted… and bring it back into truth and alignment as you fully Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint.

Overview and Call Times

6 Week Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint Live Experience
  • Live Call

    13/02/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    12/02/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    12/02/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

  • Live Call

    20/02/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    19/02/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    19/02/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

  • Live Call

    27/02/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    26/02/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    26/02/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

  • Live Call

    05/03/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    04/03/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    04/03/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

  • Live Call

    12/03/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    11/03/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    11/03/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

  • Live Call

    19/03/24 | 07.30 New Zealand
    18/03/24 | 19.30 Central Europe
    18/03/24 | 10.30 Pacific USA

I’m ready to Embrace my Divine Femininity

The ‘Essence’

Of Activating Your Divine Femininity

If you’re wondering exactly what our 6 week journey together will do for you, what is the change it will create in your life, I’ve tried boil it down to something easy to digest, but it is also so much more than this, because that is the nature of this work… we are being called to remember and reawaken the gifts and mysteries of Divine Femininity, and these will be expressed differently (and divinely) through each frequency carrier on this journey.

But I do believe that if you choose this path you can expect to:


Your authentic self

And experience an entirely different flow of life as your heart and womb unite.


Your power of sacred feminine manifestation

Trusting your true essence to bring forth your desires with far less force and striving and far more ease and grace.


Your inner guidance

And marvel as it guides you onward to your highest soul evolution and purpose and into an ever-deepening connection with your true self.


Your creativity and self-expression

Anchored in the gifts of your womb, you’ll elegantly align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your heart’s vision.


The limits of the past

You’ll release the shackles of conditioning and former traumas and embody a state of being that you’ve always known is your birthright.


Alaya Melchizedek

Alaya Melchizedek, is a wisdom keeper, shamanic medicine woman and co-founder of the Neo-Shamanic Society. A devoted mother and wife, Alaya’s life journey is a testament to the power of love and the ability to listen and follow up on her intuition and higher guidance. She is a figure of grace, wisdom, and healing. She embodies love and compassion, influencing countless lives and weaving the fabric of love, harmony, and connection.

Her mastery in the unified field of shamanic ceremony, coupled with her immense practical experience, has guided individuals and families towards a path of wholeness and integration. Through her gentle touch and understanding, she transcends the role of a healer, becoming a beacon of feminine softness and strength.

Her vision for the Neo-Shamanic Society echoes her own philosophy: to evolve consciousness through love and understanding, aligning with the principles of natural law.

Her role as a wisdom keeper is not only a title but a living practice. Through her work, she unites ancient knowledge with new learnings, nurturing the roots of shamanic healing in a way that resonates with everyone. Whether guiding a ceremony or sharing wisdom, her presence is marked by a deep understanding of human nature and a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

In Alaya, the world finds a healer, a loving mother, a supportive wife, and a wise guide. She is a testament to the transformative power of love, leading by example and inspiring all to embrace the sacredness of life, family, and the self.


Alaya Melchizedek

Alaya Melchizedek, is a wisdom keeper, shamanic medicine woman and co-founder of the Neo-Shamanic Society.

A devoted mother and wife, Alaya’s life journey is a testament to the power of love and the ability to listen and follow up on her intuition and higher guidance. She is a figure of grace, wisdom, and healing. She embodies love and compassion, influencing countless lives and weaving the fabric of love, harmony, and connection.

Her mastery in the unified field of shamanic ceremony, coupled with her immense practical experience, has guided individuals and families towards a path of wholeness and integration. Through her gentle touch and understanding, she transcends the role of a healer, becoming a beacon of feminine softness and strength.

Her vision for the Neo-Shamanic Society echoes her own philosophy: to evolve consciousness through love and understanding, aligning with the principles of natural law.

Her role as a wisdom keeper is not only a title but a living practice. Through her work, she unites ancient knowledge with new learnings, nurturing the roots of shamanic healing in a way that resonates with everyone. Whether guiding a ceremony or sharing wisdom, her presence is marked by a deep understanding of human nature and a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

In Alaya, the world finds a healer, a loving mother, a supportive wife, and a wise guide. She is a testament to the transformative power of love, leading by example and inspiring all to embrace the sacredness of life, family, and the self.

Alaya holds the most beautiful, playful and nurturing energy, her containers are deeply powerful, yet gentle and full of wisdom.

Her guidance when I was confronted with challenges provided me with the courage and direction to move through, allowing me to feel safe to soften and experience deeper layers of healing.

Alaya’s teachings come from a place of deeply embodied wisdom and she shares these divine feminine healings openly from such a grounded space.

Kat Higgins

Your First Wave


I wanted to make sure that money was not a factor in you deciding whether or not to become one of the first women to Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint.

This is my offering and this is not about money. This is about sparking change in the lives of as many women as possible. It is also important for there to be an exchange… an investment in yourself.

So for…

  • 6 Weeks of live calls with Alaya $999

  • Membership Portal with Lifetime Access to all Recordings and Programme Resources $555

  • Sisterhood Sanctuary Membership Community $Priceless

  • Access to Program Resources and Community via Desktop and Mobile App $222

  • Bonus #1
    Sacred Feminine Treasury $444

  • Bonus #2
    Integrating The Dark Feminine Mini-Course $555

  • Bonus #3
    Healing The Mother Wound Mini-Course $555

Total Value of the complete Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint programme
The investment for Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint programme
For the first wave of sisters who join the movement in 2024, you can enrol using coupon code LOVE444 for

A personal message from Alaya

If you’re reading this, there are no accidents. I wanted to share a personal message with you because I know what it has taken for me to be here today writing these words to you. I know how deep the wounding between women has gone, and I do not take it for granted that you have read this far. That is incredible. Thank you.

Because of the cultural background I grew up in, I know I have been gifted a deep understanding of the challenges you may be having when it comes to embracing your sacred feminine essence. I have known only too well what it is to feel disconnected from your body, to carry the weight of traumas and ancestral wounding, and to struggle to express your authenticity and creativity..

My hope is that by now you are getting the sense that Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint is not just another online course. You and I both know there’s enough of those already! I truly believe this is the spark of a movement. Actually, just writing that scares me a little – because I know it to be true deep in my core.

On a personal level Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint is a transformational journey designed for you, created from my own experiences over the last decade. On a collective level, I believe this is the great work you and I are called to. I am so incredibly grateful that you are feeling the calling to be a First Wave carrier of these new Divine Feminine frequencies.

There is so much more I want to share about this, but here in text is not the place for that… inside the Sisterhood Sanctuary will be the space for us to really share the full significance of what it will mean for us to be activating our Divine Femininity together.

Thank you. Truly.

Your Sister in Divine Femininity,

A personal message

If you’re reading this, there are no accidents. I wanted to share a personal message with you because I know what it has taken for me to be here today writing these words to you. I know how deep the wounding between women has gone, and I do not take it for granted that you have read this far. That is incredible. Thank you.

I know, because of the cultural background I grew up in, that I have been gifted a deep understanding of the challenges you may be having when it comes to embracing your sacred feminine essence. I have known only too well what it is to feel disconnected from your body, to carry the weight of traumas and ancestral wounding, and to struggle to express your authenticity and creativity..

My hope is that by now you are getting the sense that Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint is not just another online course. You and I both know there’s enough of those already! I truly believe this is the spark of a movement. Actually, just writing that scares me a little – because I know it to be true deep in my core.

On a personal level Activate Your Divine Feminine Blueprint is a transformational journey designed for you, created from my own experiences over the last decade. On a collective level, I believe this is the great work you and I are called to. I am so incredibly grateful that you are feeling the calling to be a First Wave carrier of these new Divine Feminine frequencies.

There is so much more I want to share about this, but here in text is not the place for that… inside the Sisterhood Sanctuary will be the space for us to really share the full significance of what it will mean for us to be activating our Divine Feminine together.

Thank you. Truly.

Your Sister in Divine Femininity,

Alaya brought strength and directionality to keep me on my path. With her love and softness, invoking deep trust. She helped me shift the energy of fearing death.

When my mind was over thinking and I thought I couldn’t do it, she was there with her strong supportive knowing and encouragement. So I kept going. She guided me to connect with my heart and listen, so I did. I had a massive breakthrough of where my fear resided.

I have had many healing breakthroughs around my family and of myself when I’ve received guidance from Alaya, and it’s because of the deep trust I have for her that I have been able to go into the depth of my being.

Whoever is open to receive and have the opportunity to work with Alaya, will be rewarded in so many ways. She has been through what many have not, she is a true inspiration on so many levels. She is a bright, pure loving guide, to hold you steady in the exploration of yourself. I am forever grateful for her.


Begin Your Journey. Join The First Wave.

Your Soul Is Calling,
Your Sisters Are Cheering
The World Is Waiting
You Are Ready

Activate My Divine Feminine Blueprint